
Instagram: Two Strollers Perfect for the Growing Family!

Today Enelio reviews two strollers that are perfect for growing families - The  UPPAbaby Vista V2 and the Bugaboo Donkey.

For parents that request a reliable and well-known brand that offers to provide a safe ride for multiple children at a time, the  UPPAbaby Vista V2 continues to impress with a long-established and popular UPPAbaby tradition of being built as a modular system, allowing the stroller to adapt with growing families.The UPPAbaby Vista V2 transitions from a single stroller into a double stroller, simply with use of the UPPAbaby RumbleSeat. The UPPAbaby boasts easy fold and lightweight carrying, weighing in at 26.3 pounds. Your baby can be set in a forward facing position, or face backwards in the backwards facing position during strolls, and the stroller seat switches with ease from one side to the other. With the UPF 50+ sunshade built into both stroller seat and bassinet, your baby is always protected, even on the seemingly overcast days. The protection does not stop at sun protection; the Vista V2 stroller includes both rain shield and bug shield to help protect baby from rain, bugs, and elements in between. The stroller boasts a spacious and deep basket for all the necessary take-alongs, and shock-absorbing front and rear wheel suspension providing a super smooth, light and comfortable ride. The deeper seat allows your toddler to sit more naturally and more comfortably, and provides only machine washable fabrics. To ensure overall safety of your little one, the UPPAbaby Vista V2 stroller is designed to seamlessly work with its infant car seat, the Mesa. No attachments are necessary and the car seat seamlessly clicks in and locks onto the stroller, allowing this to be your only travel system from birth on. The MESA paired with the VISTA V2 stroller delivers a Performance Travel System that is the ultimate in portability and safety. A quick press of the button on the top of the carrier handle releases it from the stroller. The MESA can be positioned to face you while strolling or pull up to a table without the handlebar in the way.

Perfect for a growing family, The  Bugaboo Donkey 3 Mono provides sturdy and reliable support and maneuvering all members of a family can feel safe with. Easily manage both of your little ones - whether it be twins or an infant and a toddler, the Bugaboo It can be converted to a side by side double stroller with the duo extension set (available to purchase separately). In just three simple clicks, this convertible stroller is ready for two children. Your newborn can sleep comfortably in the bassinet with your toddler happily riding alongside them in the stroller seat.

Bugaboo Donkey Duo’s side by side composition is still narrow enough to manage a standard doorway and folds down in one piece for stress-free storage and transportation. This ensures that you can travel and explore stress-free at all times. The Bugaboo Donkey 3 is easy to push and maneuver with one hand, thanks to the front swivel wheels, tight turn radius and fully adjustable handlebar. No terrain is too rough for the big foam-filled tires, which not only ensures that both babies are in for a comfortable ride in rougher terrain, but also makes going up onto and off sidewalks smooth and seamless. The Bugaboo Donkey 3 can even be converted to the two-wheel position for an easier ride through sand or snow. And, to ensure even more comfort for both your little ones, recline the seat for nap times and position it upright when they want to see the world. This double stroller is durable and lightweight, and promises to safely move the baby from point A to point B. And, the Bugaboo Donkey is compatible with NUNA Pipa car seats!

Bugaboo Donkey 3

Come into  Bambi Baby to check out these two incredible options and don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for updates on the latest baby gear!

Feb 13th 2021 Enelio
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