
Instagram: Peg Perego Ypsi Vs. Silver Cross Wave 2

Enelio compares two incredible European strollers - The Italian  Peg Perego Ypsi and the British Silver Cross Wave 2, two beautiful and elegant stroller choices.

The  Peg Perego Ypsi stroller provides beauty, grace, and style all in one. The comfortable reversible seat is approved from 6 months up to 50 pounds. The Tilt in space system allows you to use it in 3 modes - sitting, relaxing, and resting. Find the perfect balance for your little one whenever they need it! And for a full-sized stroller, the Peg Perego offers a compact choice as it is slim, lightweight, and folds compactly. Do not worry about where to place the seat when folding the stroller as the seat folds in on the stroller. The Peg Perego Ypsi is easily converted from a single to a double stroller with the purchase of double adapters. The shock absorbing wheels include ball bearings and suspension for 360 degree agility and less effort in pushing, and the reversible seat allows the baby to face their parents or the world, whatever they are ready for!

Peg Perego Ypsi StrollerWith the optional purchase of a bassinet, the  Peg Perego Ypsi offers the baby a comfortable place to not only stroll, but also to sleep! The large adjustable UPF 50+ hood protects the baby from harsh rays, raindrops, and strong wind, and the hood is also adjustable in height and follows the growth of your little one as needed. The stroller closes with one hand with the seat attached and stands upright by itself and the telescoping one-piece handle accommodates users of different heights. With a hand-sewn eco-leather bar, any parent will enjoy this added touch of elegance. Now available in a stunning rose gold finish, the Peg Perego will match any style. The canopies are available in a stunning atmosphere grey or a deep onyx black. The easy compact fold promises simplicity for any busy family as the stroller closes with one hand and stands upright by itself. Weighing in at just under 23 pounds, the Peg Perego Ypsi is a great addition to any growing family! The Primo Viaggio 4-35 Nido car seat is included with the purchase of the Peg Perego Ypsi, and the Primo Viaggio 4-35 Nido also includes a premium base with a strong and secure 10 position load leg and built-in anti-rebound bar.

Peg Perego Ypsi Stroller

The  Silver Cross Wave 2021 offers a special edition design that includes unique and beautiful 3-D sculpted black fabrics, a high gloss finish on the chassis, and stunning rose gold highlights, unmatched by any other stroller brand. Upgraded for 2021, this single to double travel system just got lighter, sleeker and allows your family to stroll for even longer. The One plus One system lets you convert your single stroller to carry both your newborn and toddler at the same time with no need to purchase anything additional. This ensures that when you purchase the Silver Cross Wave, you are getting all you need in one purchase! With 7 configurations and optional accessories to create up to 30 modes in total, Silver Cross’s Wave is here to help future-proof your strolling needs for your growing family. The bassinet is parent facing, allowing even the littlest of little ones to relax comfortably, and the tandem seat faces the world, giving your growing little one a view of everything! With its compact fold and slim design, storing this full-sized stroller is a dream! Traveling parents can be at ease! And, with its reliability, You never have to worry - your little one or ones will always be comfortable, cozy, and safe when riding in their Silver Cross Wave.

Silver Cross Wave 2

The  Silver Cross Wave 2021 is 4.4 pounds lighter than previous models, which is crucial for always traveling families! The all new two-tone woven bamboo fabrics introduce style and comfort for both you and your little one. The stroller comes equipped with polished branding points, a comfortable brand new bamboo fabric seat liner, a new, zip-on bassinet apron, a new wheel design with deeper tire tread for smoother rides, and exposed frame detailing. With the weight capacities of up to 55 pounds for both its main and tandem seats, your strolling will always be a breeze year after year. Compatible with the Maxi-Cosi, Mico 30, Mico Max 30, Nuna Pipa, Pipa Lite, Pipa Lite LX, Cybex Aton, Aton Q, Cloud Q and the Clek Liing, the The Silver Cross Wave 2021 is the perfect addition for your growing family! This stroller truly promises to grow with you and your family. With great accessories, like the bassinet stand and the car seat adapters, this multi-use stroller promises that babies will be comfortable and familiar in their stroller - the true consistency they really need.

Silver Cross Wave 2

Come into  Bambi Baby to check out all the incredible stroller options we have to offer! Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for updates on incredible strollers, car seats, and more

Mar 17th 2021 Enelio
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