
Babyzen YOYO2 Compact Stroller | Learn About Compact Strollers & the Babyzen YOYO2 Stroller

BabyZen Yoyo 2

The Babyzen YOYO2 Compact Stroller

Who doesnā€™t want a compact stroller that folds and unfolds in a moment, is small enough to fit in an overhead compartment AND is the size of a handbag?! The Babyzen YOYO2 can be worn over your shoulder and can be tucked in just about anywhere! This zero-stress, take-it-anywhere compact stroller is perfect for your newborn baby throughout their childhood. Plus,this single stroller conveniently grows with your child. With the additional bassinet accessory your baby can lay totally flat and comfortable ready to enjoy a stroll. The bassinet clips onto the YOYO2 frame in a single click and can be carried by hand to be placed on a flat surface in order to not wake your sleeping baby. With the bassinet, the Babyzen YOYO2 stroller remains just as maneuverable and flexible.

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Why Choose this Compact Stroller?

The Babyzen YOYO 2 stroller offers comfort and practicality with a new reinforced frame, independent suspension on the four wheels. The Babyzen YOYO2 is also incredibly lightweight and compact. With the 6+ color pack, this compact stroller is a win-win in our eyes! To view all accessories available for the YOYO2 search Babyzen on our website or visit any of our Bambi Baby 4 locations. Order the Babyzen YOYO2 compact stroller today and experience the benefits for yourself!

BabyZen Yoyo 2

Shop BabyZen at Bambi Baby

Apr 20th 2021 Enelio
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