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How to Install a Baseless Car Seat

How to Install a Baseless Car Seat

After a recent incident at our car seat installation center in Bambi Baby Paramus, our owner and CEO Enelio found it crucial to release a safety statement about proper baseless car seat installation. A family came in for an inspection, upgrade, and install – but had their baby harnessed in their car seat without it being secured to the vehicle.
When a car seat is called “baseless”, it is absolutely necessary in every instance to install it using the seatbelt in your vehicle and the European belt path. Without, the seat serves almost no purpose and can go flying at any quick stops, causing potential injury in your baby. Most frightening is the unfortunate circumstance of a car accident – failing to secure your seat offers no safety or protection to your little one.

So, how do you install a “baseless” car seat? It’s actually pretty simple. By following the belt path on your individual seat, making sure the seatbelt is never twisted or loose, buckling it as if you were on yourself, and activating the lock by extending the seatbelt fully and slowly releasing it – You’ll have a comfortable and safe child for all of your excursions.

As always, we value the safety of all our Bambi Babies above all; so please never hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns about your car seat via BambiBaby.com.

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Hey, guys. Enelio from BambiBaby.com, and I never thought I'd have to do this post, but I find it very, very important. I recently had a car come in for a car seat inspection and an upgrade to a convertible car seat, and the European belt path was not used. The reason why these three car seats are here is that I can seatbelt them in a car and use it baseless. Now, just because the car seat says use baseless doesn't mean I do not have to seatbelt the car seat in the car. The car seat that we inspected was being used baseless. The child was harnessed in, but it was not strapped down. So I do believe the terminology of baseless car seat needs to be cleared up. Just because you can use this without the base in a second vehicle, you still have to learn how to run the seatbelt through the European belt path. Just harnessing your child is not is not enough. Must strap your car seat to your vehicle with the seatbelt. I hope this is clear. I think this is very important. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

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